Observation of zero resistance above 100$^\circ$ K in Pb$_{10-x}$Cu$_x$(PO$_4$)$_6$O
Observation of zero resistance above 100$^\circ$ K in Pb$_{10-x}$Cu$_x$(PO$_4$)$_6$O
Qiang Hou, Wei Wei, Xin Zhou, Yue Sun, Zhixiang Shi
AbstractRoom-temperature superconductivity has always been regarded as the ultimate goal in the fields of solid-state physics and materials science, with its realization holding revolutionary significance, capable of triggering significant changes in energy transmission and storage. However, achieving it poses various challenges. Recent research revealed that material Pb$_{10-x}$Cu$_x$(PO$_4$)$_6$O displays room-temperature superconductivity under atmospheric pressure, sparking global interest in further exploration. Here, we utilized solid-phase synthesis to obtain a polycrystalline sample of Pb$_{10-x}$Cu$_x$(PO$_4$)$_6$O. X-ray diffraction confirmed its structural consistency with referenced literature. Zero resistance, which is important evidence for superconductivity, was observed above 100$^\circ$ K under ambient pressure in our experiment. Our finding indicates that Pb$_{10-x}$Cu$_x$(PO$_4$)$_6$O is a possible candidate for searching high-temperature superconductors.